Main Stage Community Theatre

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Announcing Auditions for Seussical

Calling all cast, crew, & musical enthusiasts

After months of covid quarantine, we’re happy to finally announce our first performance of 2021, Seussical the Musical. The show runs June 23 – July 3, 2021.

When are Auditions?

Monday, May 3rd from 4 to 6pm
Tuesday, May 4th from 4 to 6pm

There are 2 ways to audition:

Audition by Video

Submit a video showcasing your voice with a song of your choice. Choose something you love to sing! Send your video to no later than May 4th.

Audition In-Person

Choose a song of your choice that you love to sing, and that you feel showcases your voice. Auditions are by appointment only at Hilton Head Prep’s, Theatre on Main Street. Please email to schedule your audition .

Audition Form IS Required

You will need to print and complete the audition form. Please email your completed form along with your video submission, OR bring to your in-person audition.