Auditions for Into the Woods, Jr.


Calling All Cast

Get ready to be spellbound this November as Main Stage Community Theatre proudly presents its magical production of Into The Woods, Jr. This show is directed by Amelia Gilbreath and Emma Kate Dalzell with mentorship from Michelle McElroy Cox. All actors interested in this production must be between ages 9 and 18 years of age. Please complete the form at the bottom of the page.

When are Auditions?

September 5th
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

September 6th 
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

September 6th - Callbacks
7 pm - 8 pm (Invitation Only)

After your audition, you may be asked to sing an additional song or read from the script. Callbacks will take place Thursday, September 7th, 7:00-8:00. Please wait until you are dismissed to leave. Receiving a callback does not guarantee you received a role in the show nor does it mean you are not cast. It simply means we would like to see more in order to make an informed casting decision.

Preparing for the Audition

Sing a Song
You may prepare a cut from any song of your choice (about 1 minute in length). Please use an instrumental or karaoke track- without the words in it. You may also prepare a cut from Into the Woods Jr. (about 1 minute in length), using the tracks provided. You will be considered for all roles regardless of the song you sing.

Recite a monologue
Memorize and recite one of the monologues provided. You will be considered for all roles regardless of the monologue you choose. 

When is the actual show?

Performances dates are November 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19, 2023.

WHERE to Audition?

Auditions will be held at Hilton Head Ballroom Dance Studio inside Seaquins Balloom, 1300 Fording Island Road Bluffton. Please drive to the back of the building and enter through the back door.

Where do I sign-up to audition?

You must use the link below for the audition signup form and additional information.

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